Friday, December 31, 2010

You live, you learn. What you learn you practice, what you practice you become. Your ability to communicate (effectively) will open up a world of opportunity.
When there is hope in the future; there is power in the present! Learn to focus on the things that matter the most. I hope your financial well being is at the top of this list.
Keep your mind open to change at all times. Get in the habit of being decisive. Don't follow the crowd. Base your decisions on verifiable information. And most importantly "DO IT NOW"!
Pursuit is proof of desire. While you may not desire poverty, your actions may suggest other wise. Know what you are pursuing, your daily routine is a clue.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Never underestimate your power to change yourself. We are at a time unlike any other in the history of this nation. You will need to become more conscious of financial matters.
It is better to take responsibility and correct, than to deny responsibility and neglect!
Everything is increasing in price except for pay, the turbulence of the global economy has only just begun. You will need to expand your knowledge base in order to expand your income base.
Amazing how much you learn from the past. Too many people are stuck in today and give no thought for tomorrow. This is a critical error. If you live paycheck to paycheck, you are a disaster waiting to happen. You must take control!!
The willingness to acquire the knowledge necessary to move from where you are right now to the next level in life requires that you associate with different people, go different places, do different things.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

There are many strategies for each situation and Robb Hill is an expert at uncovering the best potential strategy for your situation.
A free unbiased, straight talk evaluation of your current situation and inform you of any gaps in your financial planning within two business days of meeting with you.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

“He who knows not and knows not he knows not: he is a fool - shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not: he is simple - teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows: he is asleep - wake him. He who knows and knows he knows: he is wise - follow him.” Chinese Proverb

Saturday, December 25, 2010

As this year comes to a close, re-evaluate your station in life. Understand that YOU can become anything that you can believe you can become, provided you are willing to pay the price! The price of success is not negotiable.
Freedom in any area of your life depends on your being knowledgable in all areas of your life. You have the greatest tool at your disposal and that my friend is your mind! Look around you, everything you see was but a thought. YOU are a creator! Start realizing that fact!
One man's loss is another man's gain! This is true.
Consider, one man's gain is another man's gain. This is true only when the relationship is mutually beneficial. We have all been taught win or lose, there is another option and that is win/win.
You must control your spending. If you are an employee; it takes at least 40 hours to earn your paycheck and 40 minutes to spend it! Wake up and realize that it is up to YOU!
The best retirement income plan starts with a core foundation that focuses on guarantees and safety! Shut of the TV, call 773.765.4491 and lets talk one on one! Free Reports at
A short pencil is better than a long memory! The art of taking and making notes intensifies the ability to recall the information.
Write the vision, make it plain upon the tables so that he who reads it may run.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Whenever there is a winner, there is a loser. The money in the stock market that is lost, just changes hands. The same is true with your 401K. There is a solution to the win-lose equation and that is the win-win equation. This revolves around "positioning".
What happens to the money when the stock market goes down? Does it just disappear? Where does the money go when my 401k takes a hit?
The best way to "create" jobs: lower the regulations that hinder the entrepernuer, privatize 90% of government services.
Competition is the answer!
You can not save your way to wealth, the way to wealth involves money working for you. The first thing to do is to stop listening to the crowd. Be very selective concerning the information you recieve. Find out about "positioning".

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Time-Your greatest friend or you worst enemy financially speeking. When money is growing time moves too slow, when paying money out time moves too fast. Learn to use these axioms to your advantage.
For the highest quality educational lectures in personal finance; the most trusted name in Illinois is R Hill Enterprises, Inc.

Offer: a no-obligation, FREE lecture of your choice, for your group ($1500 VALUE) at your location and time specified by you.
The proportion of people planning to work after age 65 has increased from 15% in 1996 to 34%. Is this because they did not plan? Yes, for most. The reason why you must save is because you can do more with more!
If you are looking for someone to inspire your group, you have found the right speaker. Robb Hill is a Christian first, American second, husband and father third, business owner last. Conservative Principles are the driving force behind his God-given talent for speaking.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I wrote a book entitled “Ask The Right Questions…Get The Right Answers”, to give ammunition to consumers! I go through four major areas of financial preparation that can be used in all 50 states! I believe that an informed consumer is the best weapon against bad financial advice!
How you do anything is how you do everything. Focus your energies in a direction that will benefit others and you will benefit also.

Monday, December 20, 2010

The product of your life is a direct corralation of the atmosphere that you permit. What you see and hear effects the way you think. Get control of your thoughts, you have control of your life.
The best thing you can do for the poor is to not be one of them. We live in a world of Abundance! You must watch the pennies in order to handle the dollars. Don't nickle and dime yourself into poverty!
Funny how the lessons learned in life seem to have no significance when they occur, then a situation is encountered and you have a sense of deja vu. Learn the lessons, forget the details.
Where you are today has no bearing on where you can be tomorrow provided you make some changes. Your life is the sum total of all of the choices you have made up to this point.
If hindsight is 20/20, what is foresight? Foresight allows you to avoid mistakes made by others. Foresight is attained by learning from the mistakes and successes of others.

Friday, December 17, 2010
There's no guarantee that employers will continue making 401k contributions -- at least 267 employers reduced or suspended their 401k matches in 2009, according to a list maintained by the Pension Rights Center.
The number of private-sector workers who participate in a traditional pension that guarantees retirement income for life declined by 33% between 1980 and 1996, from 30.1 million to 19.9, according to the Department of Labor.
The meaning of life is to have a life of meaning. What do you have to offer? There are talents and abilities at your disposal that you will only realize when you reach for the next level in your life.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Reading develops the power of creative thinking and concentration. The mental gymnastics that occur when reading is essential to thought power. You can not argue with a book. The argument occurs between what you read and what you believe.
In the absence of truth, the lie will flourish. If you listen to a lie long enough you will believe it. Question everything!
More times than not; we realize that we don't know. We convince ourselves that we do instead of seeking the knowledge we need. The problem is not seeking. The answers are available.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Taxation-The government's ability to lower your lifestyle. Less taxes=higher standard of living. There is a profound difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion.
Are you ready to separate yourself from uncertainty, sleepless nights wondering about the next market debacle? Why not find out what options are open to you?
Get ready for this:
- The 10% bracket rises to an expanded 15%
- The 25% bracket rises to 28%
- The 28% bracket rises to 31%
- The 33% bracket rises to 36%
- The 35% bracket rises to 39.6%
Why would you not plan for retirement? A lot of people have resigned themselves to working their entire lives. Take a good look at the path you are on!
A portion of all that you earn is YOURS to keep! Think about how you earn money, then how you spend it. Tomorrow will come, and today's dollar will need to be 2.
Knowledge is what gives you confidence. Asking the right questions will give you the right answers. A must read for everyone that wants to build a solid financial plan!
Government employees are not safe from disaster either. The generous plans that government employees receive are going to have to be changed!
Pensions nationwide are underfunded, both public and private. Earlier this year the Pew Center on the states calculated a 1 trillion dollar shortfall between the 2.35 trillion set aside in 2008 for employee retirement benefits and the 3.35 trillion that was committed!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Just some more thoughts:
Listen to that little voice that says: Could he be right? You have plenty to lose in the event that I am right. The question is how do you protect what you have worked so hard for? There are reasons for doing everything. Why+How=Planning
Ever had that feeling that you should or shouldn't do something? If you have been astute enough to see the truth in what I have been saying, then you my friend are a level or two above the masses.
I talk to a lot of people, and I hear the most profound line from every single one of my clients. I always hear the phrase: "I KNOW", why is it that if you know, you still won't do? To know is more than half the battle, the doing is the easy part!
Who can you depend on? This is a loaded question, the answer should be YOU! What you don't know; you can learn. You must want the information and then you must apply what you learn! Information without application is useless!!!!!!!!!!!!
The pace is quickening, consider repositioning your finances for maximum safety, competitive returns and tax advantages. How is this accomplished? You have got to be informed concerning your options!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The time to prepare is now! If you were born between 1946-1964 you are in the largest group in US history, The baby-boomer generation. Don't wait to find out that you don't have what you thought you had!
If you think unemployment is bad, just watch what happens as people get older and can not stop working, but can not continue to work due to age and health.
Yes; "You should be concerned!" As with any crisis, a warning is put forth. Everyone hears, not everyone listens. Millions will be affected negatively, you don't have to be one of them.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The future is not someplace we are going, but one we are creating. You can do more financially speaking to prepare than you realize. You must start NOW!
You must make time to look at your retirement plans, retirement is not an age, it is a financial position. There are many situations to be faced, lack of money is number 1. A very close second is health care.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

While it seems easy to do nothing, nothing is something and the result is you give control to someone else. Look at your situation regarding retirement. More time to prepare is better.
When true knowledge is achieved, the right path is revealed. In finance, it is not how much you make, it is how much you keep!
Today there is an almost $500 billion shortfall for funding teacher pensions, and that gap is growing. Why should you care? Because ultimately taxpayers are on the hook for that money. But the problem doesn't just end there. The way teacher pensions operate is badly suited to today's teacher workforce, where 30-year careers are no longer the norm.
Mistake #8 Too Many Retirement Accounts

This is a high quality problem, but a problem none the less. As we save for our retirement years, it’s not uncommon to find ourselves with more accounts than we know what to do with.
The average cost of nursing home expense is close to $70,000 annually, and in some areas of the country, it could be significantly more. People are living longer and that alone will drive up the cost.
Teacher pensions may not sound like a sexy or even high-profile issue, but keep reading: they're threatening the fiscal health of many states and could cost you - yes, you - thousands of dollars.
If you do for the next 10 years what you did for the last 10 years, will you be in a better position? Consider some financial changes: 1 save more, 2 decide how to achieve maximum gains with no risk. 3 Take advantage of a Free financial review.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"Like" R Hill Enterprises, Inc on FB please. Thank YOU.
Good judgement comes from experience, experience comes from bad judgement.
Planning is the one common ingredient in all successful ventures! You will understand exactly what, how, when and why our recommendations have your best interest as the goal! Free Financial Review ($1500 value) for the next 13 concerned consumers.
What I’m talking about here is setting goals; executing a plan to reach your objectives. And monitoring your progress, making any necessary adjustments on a timely basis!
Proper planning is your best chance to beat the odds, and join that 6% that are successful!
You will find that unless you become more knowledgeable, you will not realize that your financial future requires that you learn how to make money work for you instead of vice-versa.
If you do what everyone else does, you will end up where everyone else is headed. 94% of baby-boomers will not be prepared for retirement according to the Social Security Administration.
When things are inspected, true knowledge is achieved. Your current plan needs to be scrutinized and adjusted for maximum gain and no risk. This is possible through correct positioning.
The view looks different when your knowledge increases. You should ask yourself this; "Is my current plan working?" If it is, good! If it isn't, start now. Increase your knowledge base now.

Monday, December 6, 2010

10. The productivity of the tools--that is, the efficiency of the human energy applied in connection with their use--has always been highest in a competitive society in which the economic decisions are made by millions of progress-seeking individuals, rather than in a state-planned society in which those decisions are made by a handful of all-powerful people, regardless of how well-meaning, unselfish, sincere and intelligent those people may be.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

For everyone that tried to get one of my free reports, I apologize; there was a wrong setting on my site and now it is corrected. Go to and register again for the free financial report.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Read some of the information on my site, do your research, and make a decision to take action. You do have options! The faster you act, the more time you have to build.
Procrastination is a vial trait to have. Especially when so much is at stake! Instead of paying everyone else first, you must pay yourself before you pay anyone else! Compound interest is a beautiful thing when it is working for you!
Retirement is not an age; Retirement is a financial position! You can not depend on the government, you can not depend on your employer. You must plan for yourself!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Yes, you can wait and see what happens or you can be proactive and make it happen! Look at the information out there. Warnings have been posted for the last 2 decades!
First things first, your retirement situation calls for you to be knowledgeable! Ask The Right Questions...Get The Right Answers can get you on the right path!
I hate to say "I told you so"; you must start now!
Time is not on your side, small actions now can make a big difference later. Educate yourself with our free reports. Then request a no obligation financial review! FREE for the next 13 people that are concerned enough to take action!
Newsweek article you must read

Thursday, December 2, 2010
Your financial well being is your responsibility, look at a lot of our senior citizens still working and they are retired. This is a wake up call. Don't wait and hope; take definite steps now to ensure that you have money working for you and not against you.
Focus: The elimination of options. In order to make the most of your money, you need to keep and grow more of it. You must take control or be controlled by others. No one cares about your future like you do.
Despite a 75% rise in stock market value since March of 2009, US stocks are still down 4.8 trillion dollars from their peak in 2009. According to Wilshire Associates the market value would have to rise about 30% just to get back to where they were 3 years ago.
Your mind will give you answers provided you don't shut it down with your words. There is no benefit of the doubt. You will end up exactly where you are headed so, why not decide for yourself.
The ability to "THINK" is something that needs to be cultivated. This is done through the consistent input of information. This information can be good or bad. The comparison is up to you. Consider the source of your input in all things.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Tea party organizer: liberals use "slave owner" tactics | Washington Times Communities
A tea party organizer examines a slave owner's 1712 speech about how to control black slaves. He says liberals use that same speech today to divide Americans against each other. Is he right?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Either be "Proactive" or "Reactive" you will be one or the other. There is no benefit to waiting only consequences.
You can't judge a book by it's cover, nor does the number of pages determine the value of a book. The content and relevance of the information is the deciding factor.
The opportunity to improve your situation in life can come at any moment; you will recognize the opportunity only by looking for it! Prepare yourself continually, remain unsatisfied for when your are satisfied you are done!
8. All productivity is based on three factors: 1) natural resources (NR), whose form, place and condition are changed by the expenditure of 2) human energy (HE) (both muscular and mental), with the aid of 3) tools (T).

This is straight forward enough. These three factors make up the totality of the economy. As a formula, this is seen as NR + HE x T = Man's Material Welfare.
Information is only good when it is used to better a situation. To know is not enough! You must act. I can tell you this; if you do nothing now, you will wish you had later.

Monday, November 29, 2010

An American Addiction: Being Broke!
Being broke is choosing between going deeper in debt or going without.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ask The Right Questions...:Get The Right Answers has crossed the Atlantic and is currently available in England! Go to: to get your copy today!
You see ladies and gentlemen; when you take meaningful information and add purposeful action you can change your financial picture for the better! The info is on my site, the action lies with you. Sign up for a FREE Financial Report.
Choice, not chance determines your financial destiny. Don't fall for wishful thinking. You need to take deliberate actions with specific intent! You can develop a plan of action. Most people won't take action, and they will be victims.
The cost of living doubles approximately every 10 years. Many people will be unprepared for retirement. There are approximately 77 million baby-boomers that will be looking to liquidate their 401k plan. The next 20 years will be very interesting to say the least.
Do a 30 day experiment. Write down every dollar that you spend for 30 days. Multiply that by 12 and then multiply that by 10, then multiply that by 2. This will tell you how much money you will need to maintain your current lifestyle 10 years from now.
If you are not smarter than your money; you tend to spend it on frivolous things. Do you know that there are people that all they do is think of ways to separate you from your cash?
Until you take total responsibility, nothing is in your control. Financially speaking, the decisions you make or don't make have an effect. I submit to you that an "informed decision" now is better than an "emotional decision" later.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

10 Pillars of Economic Wisdom and other thoughts.
7. The greatest good for the greatest number means, in its material sense, the greatest goods for the greatest number which, in turn, means the greatest productivity per worker.
Production is the best way to keep an economy strong, and those who participate in it growing financially. The best way to encourage productivity is for a government to keep the costs of production as low as possible. This is done through a stable money supply, low taxes, and few regulations.
Identify your goals, set your deadline. Seek competent council to develop a plan. Commit to the plan! Whether you choose to work with us or not, the information that is provided for you will help you!
Offer- Free Financial Review ($1500 value) for the next 13 consumers that request a “Free Report”, there are 4 reports to choose from and the information can be used no matter where you are located. Guarantee- We will uncover any gaps in your current plan within 2 business days of meeting with you.
Truth to tell, the 401(k) was never intended as a retirement plan. It evolved out of a tax break that Congress awarded to corporate executives in 1978, allowing them to defer part of their salaries and cut their tax bills. Read the rest: Why 401k
In my book Ask The Right Questions...:Get The Right Answers I cover the four major concerns that I have seen the most. Many people wait until a crisis forces them to act, usually too late. It is possible to position yourself so that you can pre-empt a lot of the problems that await unprepared people.
How can you win in a system designed for you to fail in? You work all your life and then in your golden years you need medical care. This is where planning for the future comes in. If you are healthy now, this is the time to start.
You are in the financial arena; whether you know it or not. It is not what you make, it is what you keep that counts. You will be surprised what compound interest can do!
A portion of all that you earn is yours to keep! Let it not be less than 1/10 that you put away. If you spend your pay before you receive it STOP! If you haven't started a savings plan START!
Money=choices; more money more choices. I submit to you that more is better. For all the money that is flowing through your life, a portion of it needs to be kept! Saving is a habit worth cultivating.
I was once employed at a company that had an ESOP, employee stock ownership plan. The value was always positive until the bonus time came. There was always a reason why instead of $1500 we got $300 after taxes it was less that that!
Time horizon: this is a term that is used in the financial industry to determine your risk tolerance.
I submit to you that you do not have the time to make up for loses! Safety is to be considered first.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Learn the biggest mistakes people make when setting up their estates and how to avoid them!
Higher tax rates on savers and investors. The capital gains tax will rise from 15 percent this year to 20 percent in 2011. The dividends tax will rise from 15 percent this year to 39.6 percent in 2011. These rates will rise another 3.8 percent in 2013.
Have you ever heard of a Tax Shelter?
Corporations discovered they could improve their bottom lines by shifting workers out of costly defined-benefit plans and into much cheaper (for companies) and more risky (for workers) uninsured 401(k)s or defined-contribution plans.
Teachers’ $500 Billion (and Growing) Pension Problem!
2. What should you do with your lump sum distribution? How much do you keep in cash, how much elsewhere? Who should be the trustee or custodian?
1. All your assets titled in the absolute, most dangerous way possible? (Most retirees make this huge mistake!)
Why in the world would you pay someone to lose money for you, you could do it yourself for free. There is a safer way. Take advantage of the information the you have access to:
Straight talk, unbiased, comprehensive.
Free Financial Review ($1500 value) you really need to be aware! "Free Reports" are available. You will thank me later! Valid for the next 7 people that get a FREE REPORT.
Despite a 75% rise in stock market value since March of 2009, US stocks are still down 4.8 trillion dollars from their peak in 2009. This does not make sense, does it? Read more at:
Your personal development is an ongoing process, this is the school of life 101. Change is the only constant. Your growth is totally dependent on your willingness to experience change.
Funny how some people are satisfied while in a perpetual survival mode. Some people believe that they learn better the hard way. You do not have to experience a mistake that has been made by someone else. Read a book!
Not to decide is to decide. Poverty is bold and ruthless, if you don't decide to be wealthy; then you open the door to poverty. The sad thing is most people find out too late that there is no middle class.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What is more important: How or Why? I submit to you that knowing why will develop the how. Get your "why" embedded into your consciousness and then act on the instructions of that small still voice that comes from within.
6. Because wages are the principal cost of everything, widespread wage increases, without corresponding increase in production, simply increase the cost of everybody’s living.

An example of this is minimum wage. When it goes up, so do prices, and if the job isn't worth the wage, it will be lost. This solves the mystery as to why minimum wage increases are both rare and devastating.
Looking for Conservative thinking individuals in the Kane County area.
If this is you please email me at
Happy Thanksgiving to all. I pray that you and yours are happy, healthy and wealthy. Be Thankful daily!
Many are called, few are chosen and those that are chosen; choose themselves! Join me and meet some very successful people that are willing to share their information.
In the midst of difficulty lies opportunity. When it seems that things are not working, reformulate your plans, seek qualified mentors and set out again towards your coveted goal. Napoleon Hill
Those of you that are interested in The Vision To Wealth workshop go to:
for more info, I do have some tickets left.
Sorry about that last link
go to the lecture division tab then the Robb Speaks tab for info on Bill Walsh and Powerteam International
Association is critical to personal development, seek and associate with people that are where you want to be. The rich man and the poor man do not play together, you must go where the rich gather and listen!
The Vision To Wealth seminar will be held on the 30th of November in Schaumburg, IL 7-9pm. Call now 773.765.4491 to get one of these 9 tickets
Do you have a business that you can't seem to get going? An idea that just needs a little help? I would like to invite you to: Vision to Wealth held by Bill Walsh and Powerteam International. I currently have 9 tickets! $49 at the door, $29 for tickets only 9 left! Call me 773.765.4491

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I do truly find enjoyment posting these quotes, I wish I could say that they are mine, but they are not. They are the result of years of study, an unending search for wisdom. I am so thankful that many people find these words and receive them.
Please share!
Why spend more time with a critic than you would a friend? Too many people try to justify what needs no justification, to people that have no authority over their life, except that which they give them. Go where you are celebrated, not where you are tolerated.
You have no idea how many people you are influencing. With that in mind, be someone to emulate. There are many people that want to see you do well, and even more that will benefit from you doing well.
The willingness to prepare is what separates the haves from the have nots. Preparation is the key ingredient to success. If you are not preparing for success then by default you are preparing for failure.
S-till T-o A-rrogant T-o U-nderstand S-uccess
Status. Many people like titles, titles do not make a person. A person makes a title. There are many financial predators out there. A title does not make one.
A very wise man once told me that my investment into myself would allow me to invest into others and in turn more people would receive value from the lessons I have learned. Wisdom is meant to be shared. Please pass the information that you gain on to others.
The fastest way to failure: listen to everyone
The second fastest way to failure: listen to no one
When you decide, you usher in people that can help you or hinder you. It is up to you to figure out who's who.
Nothing is as bad as it first may appear, look at your financial situation now. Most people live from paycheck to paycheck. This is unsustainable. You must start planning for tomorrow. Free, no-obligation review.
Your mind will give you answers based on what you feed it. You are creating your future based on what you allow your mind to feed upon. The good and the bad of this is you decide.
The improvement of your life is an inside job. No matter what area you decide to start with, improvement will affect every area of your life. I started with my thinking, thinking is everything.
One of the biggest mis-conceptions is to believe that you do not have options! You always have an option, they may not be that appealing but; there is ALWAYS an option. The first step is to be informed. Invest your time, don't waste it.
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6
Funny how life seems to repeat the days. Have you ever heard someone say "Same old same old" or "Same stuff different day?" There is a lack of vision for these people. If what you are doing is not taking you where you want to be...STOP! Seek and you will find.
Far too many people trade opportunity for security or challenge for ease. If the steps of your life have taken you down this path; depart today from the meandering of the mediocre masses and chart a new course. You have to decide today!
Look at the person that has been doing your job for 10, 15, or 20 years longer than you. This is what you have to look forward to; unless you change your focus.
Most people fail to make the #1 payment they should be making. Actually I should say #2 because taxes are #1. Pay yourself 2nd. That does not sound right. Pay yourself 1st sounds better. Have you been paying yourself at all?
If you had saved 10% of your gross income since you started working, where would your savings account be now? Understand that you can only depend on you. My job is to lay out options based on where you want to be.
If you don't set your course, someone else will. There is a retirement disaster on the horizon for many. Take inventory of where you are today, and find out what it will take to get you where you want to be tomorrow.
There is always a solution, just don't get too involved in the problem. Stay in solution mode. You must find a way or make one! The time to do something about your financial health is now, not tomorrow.

Monday, November 22, 2010

In those things that we applied ourselves, we learned and knew. Now, the learning must begin again. The rules have changed. Don't wait! Now is not the time for hesitation.
The best investment you can make is in yourself, you are your best bet! This info will change your financial picture if you apply the suggestions.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I say again; You Must Take Control!
An investment into your own knowledge reaps tremendous returns. It may take you 2 hours to read what has taken others a lifetime to learn. This is the main reason for books. You would be a fool not to pay a man $25 to work for you for 10 years! This is what happens when you buy experience.
Many times you will find that the answers to your most pressing questions are offered to you. You can only learn when you are listening. Listen to what your finances are telling you. It is possible to keep more without risk!
Ask The Right Questions...:Get The Right Answers by Robb Hill now available through these major retailers. or
Ask The Right Questions...:Get The Right Answers by Robb Hill is now available at and Barnes and Noble. Get your copy today. or

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Many times I have seen financial mistakes that when they happened didn't seem that bad, when time is added the mistakes get compounded! Take a look at your financial portfolio over the last 10 years.
95% of people refuse to change and are forced into it. There is 3% that willingly accept change and profit from it, and finally their is the 2% that decides what changes. The fastest way to financial ruin is to do nothing. You will get too old to work. Position your finances so that it is working too!
The cost of living doubles every 10 years. You have 3 options: 1) save more 2) make more or 3) do both. You need to have an ear for the present and an eye for the future. I don't know how to sound the alarm any other way.
ERISA- Employee Retirement Income Security Act
This law birthed the 401K. This is why unless you work for the government you will not receive a pension. See "Why 401k?" on my website:
You are your best bet! Invest in yourself. Learn what position you are currently in and what are the ramifications if you don't change your course. It seems like we have time, but look how fast time is moving! Time+Money=Retirement. You must have both!
Then you come to the fork in the road, do you go left or right? Most people stay at the fork; afraid to go left or right. You must do something, anything is better than nothing! Start with a comprehensive financial review. Call 773.765.4491 Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm. What you don't know can cost you!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Retirement has nothing to do with your age; Retirement is a financial position! I hope you have been saving for a rainy day cause guess what; Its raining!

Friday, November 19, 2010

It is what you do daily that determines your tomorrow. If you have a firm grip on an empty bag, you need to know it! Pensions public and private are underfunded! Don't be the last to know!
Your financial stability lies not in what you make but, it is what you keep! Many people live for today, what happens when you wake up and it is tomorrow? It may not be promised but prepare like it is.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

What does success look like? Is it material? Is it Spiritual? Is it Physical? Man is a 3 part being, Mind, Body and Spirit. I submit to you that success is evident in all three areas if there is true success.
Looking for a guest to go with me to 2010 Internet Income Training Conference held in Aurora, IL on 11/22/2010 at 11 am. I have a FREE ticket left. If you look at ways to increase your income, this could be for you. Call me at 773.765.4491 Fri and Sat leave message about why you should get the ticket and a phone number. I will let someone know on Sunday morning.
What about taxes? Did you know that the power to tax is necessarily the power to destroy? This is so because taxation puts the breaks on creativity, and creativity is the backbone of capitalism.
It is easier to do nothing however; the regret from it is devastating! You must do something in order to receive something worthy of your effort. If you do nothing, someone else will determine what you receive and that is always less that you could have if you take action.
An excuse is the skin of a reason stuffed with a lie, the irony is that if you make a habit of making excuses for anything, my friend you are lying to yourself. Find a way or make one!
The battle of Time vs Money. This does not have to be the case. Time + Money is the better way to look at this. Many people like to add another variable: Risk which is a gamble because T+M x R could equal 0. Safety is the name of the game!
Ask The Right Questions...Get The Right Answers by Robb Hill was written to give consumers a guide by which to select financial professionals and to not be victims of pressure sales tactics.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I sometimes wonder why crisis usually comes before concern. Do yourself a favor and get concerned now about your financial future.
If only I had known that this could have been avoided. Some mistakes can be corrected. On your financial journey just like any trip; 1 degree off for 10, 20 years or longer will not take you where you want to be.
FREE financial review ($1500 value) for the next 13 people to register for a FREE REPORT.
Life is not fair, understand that life was not meant to lift you up; but to tear you down! In order to appreciate your gifts, you must first discover them. Do something great! I "KNOW" you can!
Ask The Right Questions...Get The Right Answers is available on This is a must read! This information applies everywhere! It can save you literally thousands if not more.
Once you open your mind to the possibility that there is nothing stopping you but you; it gets harder and harder to make excuses. Decide now to take control or wish tomorrow about yesterday.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

If you do nothing, you will get comfortable with the uncomfortable! Use the tools that have been offered to you.
Nothing replaces example, success is based on failure however; you can benefit from someone else's failures. This requires that you remain in student mode! It is better to be silent and thought a fool; than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!
All those that DON'T know, have all the answers for those that DO know. It is funny how some people wear their ignorance like a badge of honor! God did not call me to be popular, he called me to be faithful. Man cannot reach God unless God's plan is used.
God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called. For the harvest is truly plenteous but the laborers are few. Matt 9:37 Submit to the system of increase in totality! A loser blames everything but themselves.
Do you like your harvest? If not, you have two options: Plant more seeds or plant your seeds somewhere else. This is a metaphor, the subject is LIFE. Spiritual, Relational and of course Financial.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ask The Right Questions...Get The Right Answers by Robb Hill is making a difference for many looking to better their retirement situation through financial planning. Learn what you need to know inorder to choose competent, honest professionals to assist you in financial planning.
You will live in one of two areas; medocrity or excellence. Mediocrity is under your circumstances, excellence is following your dreams.
You don't need directions until what you know will not produce what you want. Pay attention! Look carefully at your finacial well being. It is time to learn how to position yourself financially for the rest of your life.
Turn the page; don't look back. Focus on the future at hand and get busy making it happen. The future is not some place we are going but one we are creating. To know is to do!
There is no thought in any mind that does not manifest. Focus on the prize, not the price. Normal people succeed when they develop extraordinary drive! In the service of others, you will be served!
The will to do springs from the knowledge that you can do! Many of us are victims of self-sabotage. A good idea comes and we smile, then we think of all the reasons why we can't and fall into the paralysis of analysis.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The stock market is very unstable. What happens when the stock value in your 401k goes up and down? I suggest you get a statement, find a competent advisor to go over it with you. If you need assistance, invest in Ask The Right Questions...Get The Right Answers by Robb Hill this could be the best financial decision of your life!
When is it too late to get involved in your retirement? That depends on your definition of retirement. If you think you need to get old enough, you are wrong! Retirement is a financial position! Don't depend on anything except yourself! Interesting article on teachers. This also applies to government employees.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Many people can't see their financial picture because they are in the picture, you have got to get out of the picture inorder to see the picture!
What you don't know can hurt you, financially speaking.
You can chase your paycheck or follow your dreams! Not enough money is not the issue; what you do with money is the issue. So, you make $40000 a year but won't invest $40 to tell you what to do with the $40000! Who are you working for?
5. Customer security can be achieved by the worker only when he cooperates with management in doing the things that win and hold customers. Job security, therefore, is a partnership problem that can be solved only in a spirit of understanding and cooperation.
Unions often want an adversarial relationship with business, but job security can only come if the two are partners pursuing customers together.
My publisher has worked out the problems with their website! Ask The Right Questions...Get The Right Answers is now available online by clicking this link:
The official release date is 12/25/10 at which time it will be "GLOBAL!"
You could have more if you didn't settle for less. Everyman has inside of him a king and a fool. Which one are you allowing to control your life?

Monday, November 8, 2010

In order to keep more of what you have you must do things differently. In order to change your view; you must increase your knowledge. The level of thinking that got you here, will not take you there.
Ask The Right Questions...Get The Right Answers by Robb Hill
What is your advisor saying behind your back? How do you know if you have a firm grip on an empty bag? Find out now! FREE REPORTS! Your first name and email is required.
Life's frustrations are a mystery or a challenge, depending on whether they are confronted by faith. Faith is a VERB! Faith is able to move mountains!
According to your FAITH, be it unto you. Matt 9:29
Ask The Right Questions...Get The Right Answers was written for YOU! Learn from the mistakes of others! Call 301.695.1707 8-5 Mon-Fri to get your copy today!
Money answers all things. eccl 10:19
Money is not the most important thing however; it is right up there with oxygen! This is a tool that requires training. I have seen a lot of people that look good, smell good and are flat broke!
Prosperity makes fools of many; poverty makes fools of many more! You can decide wether to have money serve you or you serve money. Payment plans satisfy GREED! If you can't pay cash, you cannot afford it. Exception is a home. NEVER finance luxury!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

4. In our modern exchange economy, all payroll and employment come from customers, and the only worthwhile job security is customer security; if there are no customers, there can be no payroll and no jobs. Labor unions have long tried to create an economic world that is detached from reality. If labor wants job security, they must accommodate customers. There is no other way to assure long term job stability.
Ask The Right Questions...Get The Right Answers by Robb Hill can be obtained by calling 301.695.1707 M-F 8-5 est PublishAmerica has been having difficulties with the website. We apologize for any problems this may have caused.
Don't fight the numbers; make the numbers work in your favor. Relax, this is a decision that needs total clarity! "FREE REPORTS"
"LIKE" R Hill Enterprises, Inc. on facebook. If any of the "words of the wise" are a blessing to you. Remember: "APPLIED Knowledge is Power"; "knowledge" is only "potential" power!
You; pleased with yourself, after seeing yourself, in a world by yourself, not knowing yourself to question yourself about yourself that enslaved you! Many mistakes can be avoided! There is safety in the right council!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

3. The only valuable money that government has to spend is that money taxed or borrowed out of the people’s earnings. When government decides to spend more than it has thus received, that extra unearned money is created out of thin air, through the banks, and, when spent, takes on value only by reducing the value of all money, savings, and insurance.
The #1 reason that people don't prepare for retirement: WRONG FOCUS! The reason you work is not to get what you want "NOW"; but to prepare for tomorrow. Credit is OK, but I'd rather have cash!
If you have payments now; odds are you will forever. "Delayed Gratification" means putting off what you want now; inorder to have what others can't later. If you want more; get better!
You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you will not go! Advice is plentiful, good advice is scarce!
Re-evaluate your portfolio
The Republican’s have taken control of the House and the Federal Reserve plans to buy $600 billion of government securities. The upshot of these two events, in the main, is positive, according to Wall Streeters. But what should those saving for or living in retirement do?
Weak people get controlled by strong people, the weak people do not realize that they are strong. They have been mentally crippled into thinking that they "can't". That they need help. Too bad most American don't realize that this is still the land of OPPORTUNITY!!!!!
Did you know that from Jan 1 to May 3 you are working for the government? It does not stop there, everytime you spend money or save money guess who's there. Look at your paycheck, do you know that you can never pay yourself first as long as you are an employee? T-axed E-nough A-lready Party!
When you heart decides the destination; your mind will design the map to reach it. Your mind can only act according to what YOU feed it.

Friday, November 5, 2010

You can't be aware of something that you are not aware of! Sometimes you win; somtimes you learn. The goal: Learn from someone else's experience, it will save you time and money!
In finances; position is how you win. Life and success revolves on position, don't wait!! Time is a great teacher; unfortunately, it kills all it's students.
The instructions you follow determine the future that you create. If you don't have an advisor, what do you do? You guess, speculate and think wrong. A change in perspective is advisable. When you increase in knowledge; the view is different!
If you don't know where you are going; any road will take you there. The odds are against you. Take control or be controlled!
If you do nothing; you will get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Your life style will shrink in porportion to your income.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The state of Illinois faces one of the biggest problems, because; as a percentage of GDP (gross domestic product) the unfunded commitments total close to 50% of the economy. Excerpt from R Hill Enterprises, Inc.'s home page. If you don't understand what this means, you NEED help!!!!!!
My home page is a wake-up call. Please heed this warning. You must read this information, no one is going to tell you this! Find out about your situation, today! Timing is critical.
1. Nothing in our material world can come from nowhere or go nowhere, nor can it be free: everything in our economic life has a source, a destination, and a cost that must be paid.

Simply put, there is no such thing as a free lunch. Everything has a cost regardless of promises from politicians.
When the pain of change is less than the pain of staying the same; you will change. Pain is a great motivator; you usually feel the pain that could have been avoided by paying attention.
Why is it that most people, inspite of signs and warnings refuse to prepare for possible disaster? We have a massive retirement problem! Signs and warnings started in the last decade! Are you prepared?
Official Release Date: 12/25/10 Ask The Right Questions...Get The Right Answers by Robb Hill
currently available call PublishAmerica 301.695.1707 they are experiencing website issues so you must call to order.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Average- Too scared to say yes to opportunity, too lazy to do anything but complain and too stupid to realize that they did have a choice.
Update: Ask The Right Questions...Get The Right Answers is available. The online bookstore had some issues with a system update. You can call 301.695.1707 to get your copy. The glitch should be worked out in 48-72 hours.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

2. Government is never a source of goods. Everything produced is produced by the people, and everything that government gives to the people, it must first take from the people.
Update: Ask The Right Questions...Get The Right Answers is available. The online bookstore had some issues with a system update. You can call 301.695.1707 and place an order. The glitch should be worked out in 48-72 hours.
I jumped the gun, Ask The Right Questions...Get The Right Answers is NOT available yet. It has to go through the process. I apologize for the premature announcement.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, you still need a map! The same for retirement, what is your destination; and do you have a map? Don't wait any longer! Decide, plan and commit!

Monday, November 1, 2010

How does wealth get passed from generation to generation? Have you heard the name Vanderbuilt? Hundreds of millions left to his family. Today, they are middleclass! Only 3% of wealth makes it to the 4th generation.
I have put together some very informative reports concerning financial planning. They are "FREE", wether you decide to work with us or not; this information will help you.
The decision to hire a financial planner or advisor to help you with your money has always been a good idea. Get Ask The Right Questions...Get The Right Answers by Robb Hill
To vote or not to vote? This one of the most important duties that we have. To think that there is no difference between the parties, shows how ignorant of the facts you are. People have given their lives so that YOU could vote! Republic vs Democracy
2011 Taxes
In just six months, the largest tax hikes in the history of America will take effect. They will hit families and small businesses in three great
waves on January 1, 2011

Sunday, October 31, 2010

You Tax my plate and tax my meat, You tax the very food I eat, You Tax my barn and then my shed, You tax my table and then my bed. You Tax my tractor, and my mule, And teach me taxes are the rule. Taxation without representation? We need to fix our government! Less taxes+less regulation=freedom.
Is it just me or does it seem funny that the IRS sets limits on how much an employee can contribute to a retirement plan? Their plan for you is failure! They need you dependent on the government! Take control!
For those of you that know me personally; I am proof that your past does not determine your future. What you are willing to walk away from; determines when God's vision for you can be achieved.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Most people realize too late. When it comes to your retirement and money; TIME plays the biggest role. "Rule of 72" look it up.
Successful thoughts lead to successful actions, successful actions lead to successful habits and successfull habits lead to a successful life!
You cannot change what you are willing to tolerate.
Three things that will try to stop you on your journey; people, life, and time.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Delay an action once and the chance of getting it done diminish, delay it several times and you will never get it done!
Common sense is not very common! The road to success is always underconstruction. You are the road, your crew awaits the construction materials.
Truth is truth, and two truths will not conflict!
The conflict comes between truth and lie. The truth is you are responsible, the lie is you are not.
Pensions nationwide are underfunded, both public and private. Are you affected? How can you get prepared?
I just don't want to believe a lie! If you listen to a lie long enough you will believe it. You must get both sides of the argument; this is called "comparison"!
I hear a lot of talk about being busy. Everybody is busy; the question is are you productive? Who do you listen to?This may seem trivial however, the secret to your future is hidden in you daily routine.
The rich get richer? Yes, because they play by a different set of rules, in a different game, on a different field, against a different opponent. Perspective is a powerful ally or enemy!
Most people would rather face known hells, than unknown heavens. We could become so much more! Which way are you going? There is no maintaining, living or dying are the only options.
If it is God's will, God willing, God did it.
If this was the case, we would not be necessary.
Thou shalt remember the Lord thy God for it is he that giveth THEE the power to get wealth. duet 8:18
Once a mind has embarked on the journey to wisdom, it seldom returns to the thinking of the past. You must give yourself a chance!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

All that you have learned from the past will not be enough to make the most of the future.
Life long learning, by choice not circumstance!
He who learns, TEACHES. It does not matter what is learned, your life is either a warning or an example!
Go to R Hill Enterprises, Inc on Facebook and "LIKE" us.
Ladies and Gentlemen; you will find that if you wait to do that which needs to be done now until tomorrow, you will end up with a bunch of empty yesterdays!
You can choose the temporary pain of discipline, or the permanent pain of regret! Start NOW! FREE, NO OBLIGATION, straight talk, unbiased financial review, next 7 to get a free report
Rated E for Everyone!
Ask The Right Questions...Get The Right Answers
Is AVAILABLE NOW! Just follow one of the links:
Ask The Right Questions...Get The Right Answers
is now available

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What dreams lie dormant inside you? It is possible!If you want what you've never had; you must do what you've never done! Now is the time!
I have 8 FREE tickets!!!!!!!
773.765.4491 This event is tomorrow, 10/28/10 in Schaumburg, IL
I have 8 FREE tickets to "Vision to Wealth" workshop! go to: for more info.
Contact me if you would like to attend, I can take 3 with me.
The price of discipline is 1000x lower than the price of regret. You must channel part of your earnings into tomorrow. Avoid the heartache of unpreparedness!
Offer: a no-obligation, FREE lecture of your choice, for your group ($1500 VALUE) at your location and time specified by you. Good thru November 4, 2010.

Simply fill out the “contact us” form and specify preferred method of contact and time or call 773.765.4491 you will receive a response within 2 business days.

Prominent organizations such a AARP, Manor Care Corporation, and the National Association of Retired Federal Employees have featured these very lectures and workshops and they have also been presented at many National Credit Unions and Fortune 500 companies.
Nothing is a bad as it first may appear. Fix the problem now and you won't have a disaster later. Get rid of the uncertainty, worry and sleepless nights. Build a solid financial plan today! You have waited long enough.
Have you been preparing for rainy days? Guess what, its raining! The sooner you start planning;
the better protected you will be.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Yesterday's solution was for yesterday's problem, yesterday's problem, is today's problem however; the solution for yesterday will not work today. The test is the same, the answers have changed.
Soon to be released
Ask The Right Questions...Get The Right Answers
by Robb Hill
Get rid of the confusion, worry and frustration that comes with financial planning!
Knowledge gives you confidence!
I forgot to mention that the tickets to the Vision to Wealth Workshop are FREE.
The Vision to Wealth workshop is this Thursday, October 28, 6:30-9:00PM
Great news, I have 8 tickets to the "Vision to Wealth" Financial Freedom Business Growth Workshop. If you are a business owner, want to be a business owner or are in control of your income, this is where you need to be. Call me at 773.765.4491 Only 8 tickets! for more info:
Take Action Now!
If you want good advice, get it from those that you have respect for and no influence over. How do you know you need advice; when I don't know what to do next is when I seek advice.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Once you are comfortable with the fact that you don't know, you open the door to knowing, seek and ye shall find.
You become what you practice most. Most people are wandering generalities, the circumstances of life dictate their actions. Like a ship without a rudder they are tossed about eventually into the rocks. You do have a choice!
What you repeatedly listen to you will eventually believe. This is why you need both sides of the situation. Comparison is the only way to separate the truth from the lie.
For a straight talk, unbiased and comprehensive review of your financial situation.
Compound Interest- The 8th wonder of the world. The exponential growth of capital over time.
Your best defense, a knowledge based offense. Real knowledge is truth, truth must be found. A lie will find you. Search for truth in all you do.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The only shame in failure is to neglect to learn from it. Always remember: Learn the lesson, forget the details.
Winners and losers, everyone must play a part. The good thing is you choose which part you play. You can play now and pay later, or you can play later and pay now. The difference between these two choices is vast. Pay the price now!
A mind stretched to the possibilities that can be accomplished through faith, can never fall victim to that enemy called doubt! Faith and doubt cannot dwell in the same vessel.
Elevate your thinking.
There is no good seat in the game of life. You must get on the field, you will be challenged for every inch of progress you make.
The haves, the have nots and the haven't paid for what they have. 2 things we need, 1 for the rich to see how the poor people live and 2 for the poor people to see how the rich people work.
R Hill Enterprises, Inc on Facebook and "like" us.
I thank God for my wife, she has been by my side through some very tough times, she has encouraged me, corrected me but most of all she has loved me. I am truly thankful for my wife Ruth!
The concept of freedom eludes a lot of people because they have no concept of what freedom is.
Our government has been eroding our freedoms for quite a while. It is shear ignorance that has been the enemy. Wake Up my fellow Americans.
You can find out for yourself, or you can listen to someone else. I used to think experience was the best teacher, I know now that someone elses experience is the best teacher. Learn from the mistakes of others, it will save you time.
If you ran your household the way our government is running this country, you would be homeless, and starving.
In the absence of vision there can be no clear and constant focus.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The best relationship occurs when teaching and learning are the goal. Being willing to grow beyond your present condition. To express the God given talents that you have. To remain as you are today, is a waste. Challenge yourself, you can be more.
When the topic is financial success, the prison is mental. This is a thinking man's game, learn the rules. 66000+ pages of tax code, estate tax of 55% January 1, 2011. You must get prepared!
If your outgo exceeds your income, your upkeep will be your downfall. Are you planning for tomorrow?
Never discuss your problems with someone that is incapable of solving them.
You must be big enought to learn from your mistakes, smart enough to profit from them and strong enought to correct them NOW.
Those who do not respect your time will not respect your wisdom either.
Don't let the things that matter the most be at the mercy of things that matter the least.
Indecisive people are like a blind man looking in a dark room for a black cat that isn't there.
Decision- the small hinge that great opportunities swing on.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Look carefully at your closest associations in life, then ask yourself, are these relationships making me better or worse? Your friends like you the way you are, the people you need to be with like you too much to leave you the way you are. Growth is optional.
There is never a right time to do a wrong thing and there is no wrong time to do the right thing, your friends will stretch your vision or strangle your dreams. Better to be alone than in the wrong company.
A FREE ($1500 value) financial review. Straight talk, unbiased, comprehensive and you will know the where the holes in your plan are! This offer is valid for the next 13 people that get a free report.
It might not be as bad as you think, then again it could be worse.
Wrong is Wrong; what is the standard, for me it is the Holy Bible. When compared to other standards, this is the best! It can be perverted and taken out of context, this is why it says to study so that you cannot be mis-lead. Watch your actions, thoughts and words. You will be held accountable.
Most people don't know that they don't know but they think they know.
If you keep on doing what you have always done, you will not get what you have always got, you will get to experience "diminishing returns". The questions are the same, the answers have changed!
When your future is bright that is what you talk about, if your future does not look bright, you talk about your past. The more time you spend in yesterday, the less your prepare for tomorrow. You must make today count!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Some people can not be helped, no matter how much I would like to. Why? Because they were on the wrong road too long, following a broke path. It is time to get a bearing on where you are headed finacially.
The sooner you accept reality, the sooner we can get down to business. The reality is this; YOU are RESPONSIBLE for your future. Plan now or fail later.
The rich man and the poor man do not play together however, just because one is rich does not make him worthy. You can tell the tree by the fruit it bears. Wise men leave you inspired, treacherous men leave you vengeful.
When it is time to perform, the time to prepare has past, You are on next!
Too many people trade opportunity for security or challenge for ease. This mentality of mediocrity has permeated their being and thus they have become. These are the victims of tomorrow because of their refusal to act today.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Retirement is not an age, it is a financial position. If you do not prepare to be retired, what you will be is fired. Free financial review, guaranteed to uncover any gaps in your current plans. Next 13 to get their Free Report.
Many corporate pension plans are top-heavy with the company's own stock. You may think you have worked for a great company, but if stocks drop sharply, income from your pension will drop too!
The alarms are sounding all around us! Remember Enron and Worldcom. Take control of your own retirement! Pension underfunding is has increased over the last decade!
For each $25000 of income per year in today's dollars that a person now 48 will need between age 65 and 90, he or she must have $825000 in a tax-deferred savings program when their retirement begins.
Asset- puts money in your pocket.
Liability- takes money out of your pocket.
Retirement- money working for you, instead of you working for it.
The irony here is that you need to start NOW positioning your finances safely.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Out of every 100 people reaching age 65
1 will be wealthy
9 will have income between $15000 and $24000
33 will be dead
57 will be dead broke
“Warning-do you know the 10 questions you must ask a financial adviser before hiring them!”
The stock market was down today, again. The ups and downs cannot be ignored. You must be vigilant in your retirement plan! You must also be knowledgable. What options do you have? Can you avoid the loses? Should I just hang on?
Get informed, choose your "Free Report" you have a choice of 4 to choose from, sign up now!
Get rid of everything that is slowing you down; like a negative attitude, worrying, fear, unproductive habits and most importantly, unproductive friends!
Evaluate where you are, decide where you want to be and start moving! You don't need all the answers.
If you do for the next 5 years what you have done for the past 5 years; will you be in a better position? The best investment you can make is in you! If you want more, get better!
Don't become so heavenly minded that you are no earthly good. You were put here to excel, hasten to where the prosperous gather and LISTEN!
Your mind is like a garden, in order to harvest the traits of character you will need for tomorrow, you must plant with repetition the seeds of wisdom today.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Your mind is like a garden, in order to harvest the traits of character you will need for tomorrow, you must plant with repetition the seeds of wisdom today.
Whenever the government gives, the government has to take. Taking involves force, and whenever force is used, somebody will come under the control of somebody else.
Your mind is like a garden, in order to harvest the traits of character you will need for tomorrow, you must plant with repitition the seeds of wisdom today.
Your life today is the direct result of the choices you have made to this point, if you don't like your results, change your choices.
Success is not a destination, success is a journey.
The decision is yours alone to make.
Success or failure either way you will pay the price, however the high cost of success is nothing compared to the high cost of failure.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

As for study, learning is of two kinds.The first being the things that we learned and knew; the second being the training that taught us how to find out that which we do not know.
When the pain of change is less than the pain of staying the same, you will change.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Reading develops the powers of concentration and creative thinking when done with the specific intention of learning that which you do not know.
Argue for your limitations and you get to keep them.
Argue for your limitations and you get to keep them!
Comfort is a drug which causes stagnation of the mind, body and spirit. Beware that you don't get comfortable with the uncomfortable.
How you do anything is how you do everything. Knowledge is only "potential power" it is what you apply the knowledge to that determines the power the knowledge has.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Conquer your fears or your fears will conquer you.
Register to recieve your free report. Use the information to guide you in your search for a competent advisor.
When the intention is clear a mechanism appears.
There is a solution, determine the problem first.
You can't consistantly do things that are inconsistant with the person you want to be.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Your IRA's & 401k's are about to be Confiscated!

All Socialistic-Indebted Governments have one thing in common... Raise Taxes & Steal Wealth!

Both the Labor and Treasury department, along with the Obama Administration will confiscate IRA's and 401K's and use them as equity, in an attempt to balance the Trillion Dollar U.S. Deficit.

Don't be a victim!
Find out what you can do!
Stocks cut losses, end the day flat! Are you winning or losing? You don't have to worry!
You do need to take action though!
Eliminate the volitility (risk)!
It is better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.
Be informed
Register to get your Free Report!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A week of market losses can wipe out 10 years of gains!
The Safe Money Advisors
What rate of return is worth risking your life savings?
Get your Free Report "Estate Planning"
It will definately help!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Not to know is ignorance, to know and not do is stupid.
I am not against taxes, I just don't want to pay more than I have to! What about you?
The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about, or to accept something you know nothing about. The time to learn is now!
Register for your FREE REPORT now!
Haven't you waited long enough?
Opposition is promised to those with purpose.

Monday, October 11, 2010

I thought about it, and thought about it. I should have done something about it sooner.
Register to recieve your free report.
Another casualty of incomplete advice! Financial Planning needs to be comprehensive. There are several key issues that need to be addressed. (Invite More People)
Starts at 9:15
Click on link to attend.
Life is but a second, seize every opportunity to love and appreciate everyone that you have been blessed to have contact with. EVERYONE!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

There is no "try", there is only "do" or "do not"!
The best thing that you can do for the poor is not be one of them! Broke people cannot help broke people.
I really appreciate all the visits and I thank you.
I would really like to see you comment on the blogs and comments, why do you agree or disagree? This does take some thought, however it will be mutually beneficial!
pick a topic or start one
Free webinar re-broadcast 10/11/10 9:15-10 am
Baby-boomers and Healthcare (Invite More People)
Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about things, great minds talk about ideas. Every relationship in your life is a current, moving forward towards possibility, or backwards towards insignificance. Listen to your conversation is it life or death? What have you done with what you have been given?
Visit R Hill Enterprises, Inc. on Facebook and "like" us.
for more info
Forgiveness- The fastest way to release the burden of anger! Anger is crippling, anger keeps you stuck in the past. Anger consumes and destroys possibility. Forgive and be forgiven.

Saturday, October 9, 2010
You REALLY need to see this!
Have not many of us failed in the effort to become better? In truth only three, the timid one who is to scared to try, the critical one who has never attempted, and the comfortable one who's dreams are too small! Unleash the greatness of YOU!!!!
All that you have learned from the past will not be enough to make the most of the future. New skills are needed, new habits need to be formed. The passage of time is constant as is change!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Do you have a firm grip on an empty bag? For many this realization comes too late! Get the facts.
FREE REPORTS are available!
Life is like school but in school you get the lesson then the test, in life you get the test then the lesson!
The art of communication lies not in the ability to talk, but knowing when and how to listen!
But I don't know about how my 401k works?
I get this alot, your 401k could be lying to you,
Look at Enron and Worldcom. More and more companies are defaulting on retirement benefits.
You must plan now!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

There is danger in delay for it is always better to reap 2 days too soon, than 1 day too late. Pity to the man that waits until the last day!
There is danger in delay, it is always better to reap 2 days too soon, than 1 day too late. Pity the the man that waits till the last day!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

If I had known sooner, I would have prepared better.
The loss of the habit of reading is a gain in the realm of ignorance and ignorant people have no power!
You must increase your knowledge because your freedom depends on it!
It is what you do in the valleys, that determines how long you enjoy the view from the peaks.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
interesting topics to read, think and comment on.
In order to give direction, you must first seek it.
Wisdom- The laws of God applied appropriately.
You never miss the water until the well runs dry.
If only I would have known!
I get this response alot. For the "FREE REPORT" of your choice visit
You can know now.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Freedom and Responsibility are like front and back, you can't have one without the other.
Better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
Weeds grow easily in the soil of indecision!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Because my God is a BIG God, I shall think big with confidence knowing that my thoughts can never be bigger than my God, today I will think as the Apostle Paul thought when he said; “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
Frustration- Knowing what to do and not doing it.
You will never reach the palace, talking like a peasant. Think before you speak.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Your comments are welcome, go to
and let us hear your thoughts.
Experience- the slowest most unforgiving teacher you will ever encounter.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

If it doesn't get you in the wash, it will surely get you in the rinse! Everything comes out.
Thanks for attending "Baby-boomers and Healthcare. Watch for future webinars from R Hill Enterprises, Inc.
Free webinar is tonight! Baby-boomers and Healthcare. Register at R Hill Enterprises, Inc. on Facebook.
There are those who watch whats happening, those who wonder whats happening, and those that make it happen. You have a responsibility to VOTE!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Those who cannot increase you will inevitably decrease you.
Injustice is only as strong as your memory of it.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Your Maker has designed for you a life of significance and placed within your grasp the plan to make it so; all that remains is to decide, commit and do the work!
Sacrifice isn't losing, sacrifice is giving up something of a lower nature to recieve something of a higher nature.
Bob Proctor
You can't steal second with your foot on first!(book)
Burke Hedges

Monday, September 27, 2010

Space is filling up fast, register to attend our "FREE" webinar on Baby-boomers and Healthcare. Details are at R Hill Enterprises, Inc. on Facebook.
Success comes not in a day, it is a daily event.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Everything good to you is not good for you!
The FREE webinar on Baby-boomers and Healthcare can only hold 150, register now to ensure you can attend. Go to R Hill Enterprises, Inc. on Facebook to register.
I know theres a lot on your mind, let some of it out through a blog. I invite you to share your views on some topics that I have chosen to comment on.
Feel free to let it all out!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

For the highest quality educational lectures in personal finance; the most trusted name in Illinois is R Hill Enterprises, Inc.

Offer: a no-obligation, FREE lecture of your choice, for your group ($1500 VALUE) at your location and time specified by you. Good thru October 4, 2010.
Free Webinar: The Idea of Government
Click on this link to register:
People don't plan to fail, they fail to plan.
In order to plan, you need to weigh options.
In order to weigh options, you need to know the options available.
...Webinar: Baby-boomers and healthcare
Thursday, September 30, 2010 at 7:00pm

R Hill Enterprises, Inc. Registration Form URL:
Audience Log-in URL: (Invite More People)
R Hill Enterprises, Inc. Registration Form URL:
Audience Log-in URL: (Invite More People)

Webinar: Baby-boomers and healthcare
Thursday, September 30, 2010 at 7:00pm

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Association Earns Thousands!

An exciting opportunity to improve your members'/contributors' bottom line and potentially raise contributions! Because of the HUGE acceptance and importance of the information, for a limited time we are pleased to announce a financial strategy workshop a ($1500 value) for FREE to your organization!

Can your members answer these questions?

Are all of their assets titled in the absolute, most dangerous way possible? (Most retirees make this huge mistake!) What should they do with their lump sum distribution? How much do they keep in cash, how much elsewhere? Who should be the trustee or custodian? Do they have a virtually bullet proof asset protection plan? (Are their financial assets and estate protected?) Do they know about the retiree tax traps that the IRS has set? (are their income taxes as low as legally possible?) Are they protected from other retirement financial dangers that can actually cause them to lose much more than the IRS could ever take? Is their retirement security in danger if someone gets sick and needs long-term care? Would that scenario wipe them out? (This is a serious problem that affects a high percentage of seniors!) What about required distributions from retirement plans? Which accounts should they use and why? What kind of insurance should they now have? Do they keep or change what they have? Are they over insured and wasting money on needless coverage? Do they know how to figure out which financial choices will best suit their family’s situation? And most important do they know if they will be likely to have enough money to live the way they wish for as long as they live? These are just a few of the questions they must have answers to! If they don’t; they could be the next victim of the greedy IRS, or any of the other deadly retirement hazards waiting out there to snare them and their money! If they even making one serious mistake, lookout! After all, they only retire once, so they cannot afford any mistakes!

They must make the correct decisions now and in the future!

Little known strategies that can increase income and lower taxes!

Your association has the opportunity to incorporate 1 of 4 Financial Strategies Workshops a $1500 value at no cost thru Aug 30, 2010!

There is still time to secure your groups' place for 2010!

Find out if your group can qualify for this this amazing offer!

Our guarantee:

We will do our absolute best to accommodate your organization!

Prominent organizations such a AARP, Manor Care Corporation, and the National Association of Retired Federal Employees have featured these very lectures and workshops and they have also been presented at many National Credit Unions and Fortune 500 companies.

Call us now! 1.773.765.4491

Or visit

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Start NOW! Your retirement is in your hands.

The time to prepare is now. Your retirement is in your hands. You need a competent finanacial advisor that has lawyer and cpa contact. The are a lot of new tax advantaged positions that you can take advantage of. The first thing to do is to figure out where you are financially.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Expand your horizons

Mix with the movers and shakers, business builders! You can do it!
join powerteam and grow your mind!