Friday, December 31, 2010
When there is hope in the future; there is power in the present! Learn to focus on the things that matter the most. I hope your financial well being is at the top of this list.
Keep your mind open to change at all times. Get in the habit of being decisive. Don't follow the crowd. Base your decisions on verifiable information. And most importantly "DO IT NOW"!
Pursuit is proof of desire. While you may not desire poverty, your actions may suggest other wise. Know what you are pursuing, your daily routine is a clue.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Never underestimate your power to change yourself. We are at a time unlike any other in the history of this nation. You will need to become more conscious of financial matters.
It is better to take responsibility and correct, than to deny responsibility and neglect!
Everything is increasing in price except for pay, the turbulence of the global economy has only just begun. You will need to expand your knowledge base in order to expand your income base.
Amazing how much you learn from the past. Too many people are stuck in today and give no thought for tomorrow. This is a critical error. If you live paycheck to paycheck, you are a disaster waiting to happen. You must take control!!
The willingness to acquire the knowledge necessary to move from where you are right now to the next level in life requires that you associate with different people, go different places, do different things.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
There are many strategies for each situation and Robb Hill is an expert at uncovering the best potential strategy for your situation.
A free unbiased, straight talk evaluation of your current situation and inform you of any gaps in your financial planning within two business days of meeting with you.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
“He who knows not and knows not he knows not: he is a fool - shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not: he is simple - teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows: he is asleep - wake him. He who knows and knows he knows: he is wise - follow him.” Chinese Proverb
Saturday, December 25, 2010
As this year comes to a close, re-evaluate your station in life. Understand that YOU can become anything that you can believe you can become, provided you are willing to pay the price! The price of success is not negotiable.
One man's loss is another man's gain! This is true.
Consider, one man's gain is another man's gain. This is true only when the relationship is mutually beneficial. We have all been taught win or lose, there is another option and that is win/win.
Consider, one man's gain is another man's gain. This is true only when the relationship is mutually beneficial. We have all been taught win or lose, there is another option and that is win/win.
You must control your spending. If you are an employee; it takes at least 40 hours to earn your paycheck and 40 minutes to spend it! Wake up and realize that it is up to YOU!
The best retirement income plan starts with a core foundation that focuses on guarantees and safety! Shut of the TV, call 773.765.4491 and lets talk one on one! Free Reports at
A short pencil is better than a long memory! The art of taking and making notes intensifies the ability to recall the information.
Write the vision, make it plain upon the tables so that he who reads it may run.
Write the vision, make it plain upon the tables so that he who reads it may run.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Whenever there is a winner, there is a loser. The money in the stock market that is lost, just changes hands. The same is true with your 401K. There is a solution to the win-lose equation and that is the win-win equation. This revolves around "positioning".
What happens to the money when the stock market goes down? Does it just disappear? Where does the money go when my 401k takes a hit?
The best way to "create" jobs: lower the regulations that hinder the entrepernuer, privatize 90% of government services.
Competition is the answer!
Competition is the answer!
You can not save your way to wealth, the way to wealth involves money working for you. The first thing to do is to stop listening to the crowd. Be very selective concerning the information you recieve. Find out about "positioning".
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Time-Your greatest friend or you worst enemy financially speeking. When money is growing time moves too slow, when paying money out time moves too fast. Learn to use these axioms to your advantage.
For the highest quality educational lectures in personal finance; the most trusted name in Illinois is R Hill Enterprises, Inc.
Offer: a no-obligation, FREE lecture of your choice, for your group ($1500 VALUE) at your location and time specified by you.
Offer: a no-obligation, FREE lecture of your choice, for your group ($1500 VALUE) at your location and time specified by you.
The proportion of people planning to work after age 65 has increased from 15% in 1996 to 34%. Is this because they did not plan? Yes, for most. The reason why you must save is because you can do more with more!
If you are looking for someone to inspire your group, you have found the right speaker. Robb Hill is a Christian first, American second, husband and father third, business owner last. Conservative Principles are the driving force behind his God-given talent for speaking.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
I wrote a book entitled “Ask The Right Questions…Get The Right Answers”, to give ammunition to consumers! I go through four major areas of financial preparation that can be used in all 50 states! I believe that an informed consumer is the best weapon against bad financial advice!
How you do anything is how you do everything. Focus your energies in a direction that will benefit others and you will benefit also.
Monday, December 20, 2010
The best thing you can do for the poor is to not be one of them. We live in a world of Abundance! You must watch the pennies in order to handle the dollars. Don't nickle and dime yourself into poverty!
Funny how the lessons learned in life seem to have no significance when they occur, then a situation is encountered and you have a sense of deja vu. Learn the lessons, forget the details.
Where you are today has no bearing on where you can be tomorrow provided you make some changes. Your life is the sum total of all of the choices you have made up to this point.
If hindsight is 20/20, what is foresight? Foresight allows you to avoid mistakes made by others. Foresight is attained by learning from the mistakes and successes of others.
Friday, December 17, 2010
There's no guarantee that employers will continue making 401k contributions -- at least 267 employers reduced or suspended their 401k matches in 2009, according to a list maintained by the Pension Rights Center.
The number of private-sector workers who participate in a traditional pension that guarantees retirement income for life declined by 33% between 1980 and 1996, from 30.1 million to 19.9, according to the Department of Labor.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Reading develops the power of creative thinking and concentration. The mental gymnastics that occur when reading is essential to thought power. You can not argue with a book. The argument occurs between what you read and what you believe.
In the absence of truth, the lie will flourish. If you listen to a lie long enough you will believe it. Question everything!
More times than not; we realize that we don't know. We convince ourselves that we do instead of seeking the knowledge we need. The problem is not seeking. The answers are available.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Taxation-The government's ability to lower your lifestyle. Less taxes=higher standard of living. There is a profound difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion.
Are you ready to separate yourself from uncertainty, sleepless nights wondering about the next market debacle? Why not find out what options are open to you?
Get ready for this:
- The 10% bracket rises to an expanded 15%
- The 25% bracket rises to 28%
- The 28% bracket rises to 31%
- The 33% bracket rises to 36%
- The 35% bracket rises to 39.6%
- The 10% bracket rises to an expanded 15%
- The 25% bracket rises to 28%
- The 28% bracket rises to 31%
- The 33% bracket rises to 36%
- The 35% bracket rises to 39.6%
Why would you not plan for retirement? A lot of people have resigned themselves to working their entire lives. Take a good look at the path you are on!
A portion of all that you earn is YOURS to keep! Think about how you earn money, then how you spend it. Tomorrow will come, and today's dollar will need to be 2.
Knowledge is what gives you confidence. Asking the right questions will give you the right answers. A must read for everyone that wants to build a solid financial plan!
Government employees are not safe from disaster either. The generous plans that government employees receive are going to have to be changed!
Pensions nationwide are underfunded, both public and private. Earlier this year the Pew Center on the states calculated a 1 trillion dollar shortfall between the 2.35 trillion set aside in 2008 for employee retirement benefits and the 3.35 trillion that was committed!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Listen to that little voice that says: Could he be right? You have plenty to lose in the event that I am right. The question is how do you protect what you have worked so hard for? There are reasons for doing everything. Why+How=Planning
Ever had that feeling that you should or shouldn't do something? If you have been astute enough to see the truth in what I have been saying, then you my friend are a level or two above the masses.
I talk to a lot of people, and I hear the most profound line from every single one of my clients. I always hear the phrase: "I KNOW", why is it that if you know, you still won't do? To know is more than half the battle, the doing is the easy part!
Who can you depend on? This is a loaded question, the answer should be YOU! What you don't know; you can learn. You must want the information and then you must apply what you learn! Information without application is useless!!!!!!!!!!!!
The pace is quickening, consider repositioning your finances for maximum safety, competitive returns and tax advantages. How is this accomplished? You have got to be informed concerning your options!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
The time to prepare is now! If you were born between 1946-1964 you are in the largest group in US history, The baby-boomer generation. Don't wait to find out that you don't have what you thought you had!
If you think unemployment is bad, just watch what happens as people get older and can not stop working, but can not continue to work due to age and health.
Yes; "You should be concerned!" As with any crisis, a warning is put forth. Everyone hears, not everyone listens. Millions will be affected negatively, you don't have to be one of them.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The future is not someplace we are going, but one we are creating. You can do more financially speaking to prepare than you realize. You must start NOW!
You must make time to look at your retirement plans, retirement is not an age, it is a financial position. There are many situations to be faced, lack of money is number 1. A very close second is health care.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
While it seems easy to do nothing, nothing is something and the result is you give control to someone else. Look at your situation regarding retirement. More time to prepare is better.
When true knowledge is achieved, the right path is revealed. In finance, it is not how much you make, it is how much you keep!
Today there is an almost $500 billion shortfall for funding teacher pensions, and that gap is growing. Why should you care? Because ultimately taxpayers are on the hook for that money. But the problem doesn't just end there. The way teacher pensions operate is badly suited to today's teacher workforce, where 30-year careers are no longer the norm.
Mistake #8 Too Many Retirement Accounts
This is a high quality problem, but a problem none the less. As we save for our retirement years, it’s not uncommon to find ourselves with more accounts than we know what to do with.
This is a high quality problem, but a problem none the less. As we save for our retirement years, it’s not uncommon to find ourselves with more accounts than we know what to do with.
The average cost of nursing home expense is close to $70,000 annually, and in some areas of the country, it could be significantly more. People are living longer and that alone will drive up the cost.
Teacher pensions may not sound like a sexy or even high-profile issue, but keep reading: they're threatening the fiscal health of many states and could cost you - yes, you - thousands of dollars.
If you do for the next 10 years what you did for the last 10 years, will you be in a better position? Consider some financial changes: 1 save more, 2 decide how to achieve maximum gains with no risk. 3 Take advantage of a Free financial review.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Planning is the one common ingredient in all successful ventures! You will understand exactly what, how, when and why our recommendations have your best interest as the goal! Free Financial Review ($1500 value) for the next 13 concerned consumers.
What I’m talking about here is setting goals; executing a plan to reach your objectives. And monitoring your progress, making any necessary adjustments on a timely basis!
Proper planning is your best chance to beat the odds, and join that 6% that are successful!
You will find that unless you become more knowledgeable, you will not realize that your financial future requires that you learn how to make money work for you instead of vice-versa.
If you do what everyone else does, you will end up where everyone else is headed. 94% of baby-boomers will not be prepared for retirement according to the Social Security Administration.
When things are inspected, true knowledge is achieved. Your current plan needs to be scrutinized and adjusted for maximum gain and no risk. This is possible through correct positioning.
The view looks different when your knowledge increases. You should ask yourself this; "Is my current plan working?" If it is, good! If it isn't, start now. Increase your knowledge base now.
Monday, December 6, 2010
10. The productivity of the tools--that is, the efficiency of the human energy applied in connection with their use--has always been highest in a competitive society in which the economic decisions are made by millions of progress-seeking individuals, rather than in a state-planned society in which those decisions are made by a handful of all-powerful people, regardless of how well-meaning, unselfish, sincere and intelligent those people may be.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
For everyone that tried to get one of my free reports, I apologize; there was a wrong setting on my site and now it is corrected. Go to and register again for the free financial report.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Read some of the information on my site, do your research, and make a decision to take action. You do have options! The faster you act, the more time you have to build.
Procrastination is a vial trait to have. Especially when so much is at stake! Instead of paying everyone else first, you must pay yourself before you pay anyone else! Compound interest is a beautiful thing when it is working for you!
Retirement is not an age; Retirement is a financial position! You can not depend on the government, you can not depend on your employer. You must plan for yourself!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Yes, you can wait and see what happens or you can be proactive and make it happen! Look at the information out there. Warnings have been posted for the last 2 decades!
First things first, your retirement situation calls for you to be knowledgeable! Ask The Right Questions...Get The Right Answers can get you on the right path!
I hate to say "I told you so"; you must start now!
Time is not on your side, small actions now can make a big difference later. Educate yourself with our free reports. Then request a no obligation financial review! FREE for the next 13 people that are concerned enough to take action!
Time is not on your side, small actions now can make a big difference later. Educate yourself with our free reports. Then request a no obligation financial review! FREE for the next 13 people that are concerned enough to take action!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Your financial well being is your responsibility, look at a lot of our senior citizens still working and they are retired. This is a wake up call. Don't wait and hope; take definite steps now to ensure that you have money working for you and not against you.
Focus: The elimination of options. In order to make the most of your money, you need to keep and grow more of it. You must take control or be controlled by others. No one cares about your future like you do.
Despite a 75% rise in stock market value since March of 2009, US stocks are still down 4.8 trillion dollars from their peak in 2009. According to Wilshire Associates the market value would have to rise about 30% just to get back to where they were 3 years ago.
Your mind will give you answers provided you don't shut it down with your words. There is no benefit of the doubt. You will end up exactly where you are headed so, why not decide for yourself.
The ability to "THINK" is something that needs to be cultivated. This is done through the consistent input of information. This information can be good or bad. The comparison is up to you. Consider the source of your input in all things.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Tea party organizer: liberals use "slave owner" tactics | Washington Times Communities
A tea party organizer examines a slave owner's 1712 speech about how to control black slaves. He says liberals use that same speech today to divide Americans against each other. Is he right?
A tea party organizer examines a slave owner's 1712 speech about how to control black slaves. He says liberals use that same speech today to divide Americans against each other. Is he right?
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