Thursday, September 30, 2010

If it doesn't get you in the wash, it will surely get you in the rinse! Everything comes out.
Thanks for attending "Baby-boomers and Healthcare. Watch for future webinars from R Hill Enterprises, Inc.
Free webinar is tonight! Baby-boomers and Healthcare. Register at R Hill Enterprises, Inc. on Facebook.
There are those who watch whats happening, those who wonder whats happening, and those that make it happen. You have a responsibility to VOTE!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Those who cannot increase you will inevitably decrease you.
Injustice is only as strong as your memory of it.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Your Maker has designed for you a life of significance and placed within your grasp the plan to make it so; all that remains is to decide, commit and do the work!
Sacrifice isn't losing, sacrifice is giving up something of a lower nature to recieve something of a higher nature.
Bob Proctor
You can't steal second with your foot on first!(book)
Burke Hedges

Monday, September 27, 2010

Space is filling up fast, register to attend our "FREE" webinar on Baby-boomers and Healthcare. Details are at R Hill Enterprises, Inc. on Facebook.
Success comes not in a day, it is a daily event.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Everything good to you is not good for you!
The FREE webinar on Baby-boomers and Healthcare can only hold 150, register now to ensure you can attend. Go to R Hill Enterprises, Inc. on Facebook to register.
I know theres a lot on your mind, let some of it out through a blog. I invite you to share your views on some topics that I have chosen to comment on.
Feel free to let it all out!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

For the highest quality educational lectures in personal finance; the most trusted name in Illinois is R Hill Enterprises, Inc.

Offer: a no-obligation, FREE lecture of your choice, for your group ($1500 VALUE) at your location and time specified by you. Good thru October 4, 2010.
Free Webinar: The Idea of Government
Click on this link to register:
People don't plan to fail, they fail to plan.
In order to plan, you need to weigh options.
In order to weigh options, you need to know the options available.
...Webinar: Baby-boomers and healthcare
Thursday, September 30, 2010 at 7:00pm

R Hill Enterprises, Inc. Registration Form URL:
Audience Log-in URL: (Invite More People)
R Hill Enterprises, Inc. Registration Form URL:
Audience Log-in URL: (Invite More People)

Webinar: Baby-boomers and healthcare
Thursday, September 30, 2010 at 7:00pm